Boat Damage

Boat Damage

Club owned equipment (shells, oars, ergs, etc.) is used by many members. Some use equipment on a regular basis while others are occasional users. Members should treat the equipment as if it were their own ñ because, in effect, it is. All members expect that equipment they have signed out for use on a given day and time will be in usable condition. It is expected that members will leave QRC equipment in as good if not better condition as it was found. Unfortunately sometimes “things happen” and equipment is damaged. This policy establishes a procedure to follow should the QRC equipment become broken, go out of adjustment (i.e.. rigger pitch, oar collar loose) or appear as if it needs any sort of attention to avert impending damage.

QRC members are fully responsible for the equipment they use. This means a member is required to compensate the QRC for any damage to QRC equipment that happens while a member is using it, including but not limited to any applicable deductible payment under QRC’s equipment insurance policy, currently $500. The QRA must authorize the repair of any damaged equipment and will determine who shall conduct the repair of such damaged equipment.

Steps to report equipment damage/maintenance:

  1. Contact the bay captain through email immediately.
  2. In addition, members should write damage or maintenance issues on the white board next to the oar rack and fill out the Damage Log located on the desk.